Dennis to the Rescue – Waltham Forest recycling competition

/Dennis to the Rescue – Waltham Forest recycling competition
Dennis to the Rescue – Waltham Forest recycling competition 2021-10-11T12:17:11+00:00

Parent/Guardian details:



Child's details:



Well done! Simply copy your coloured letters from page 27 of your "Dennis to the Rescue" book into the matching coloured boxes below and complete the competition sentence.

Have you heard the joke about the dustbin?

To SUBMIT your entry successfully you will need to simply fill in this short survey and then press Enter Competition

1. Besides your child, who else in the home found the book engaging?
Tick all that apply:

2. Was the content of the book informative and fun?

3. Since using the book do you find the family is aware more of why we should refuse, reuse and reduce?

4. Has this book helped your family to understand the importance of why you should all recycle?

5. Since using the book will the family be recycling more at home now?

6. Overall how would you rate this educational book?

I confirm that

  • I am the parent/guardian of the child named.
  • My child attends the school named.
  • I agree to the terms and conditions of the competition.