SKIPS have developed highly successful social value campaigns for a variety of organisations across the UK. By sponsoring our programmes you can show your commitment to the communities in which you operate.
Our long term goal is to see that every child in the state funded primary school system benefits from one of our sponsored prograames, as they stimulate vital positive behaviour change in society.

If you would like to sponsor a SKIPS programme or like for us to help you develop new life skills content to grow your business, please contact us so we can make it happen.
SKIPS Social Impact Reporting
As a part of our commitment to our stakeholders, communities and sponsors, SKIPS is dedicated to measure and report the social impact of its operations and campaigns. The collection of appropriate data at school level has been formulated in accordance with the theory of change and latest educational research methods.
I am in awe of it. We would like to work together and focus on community activity in relevant geographical areas.
Craig Donaldson, CEO, Metro Bank

By taking up our Adopt a School programme you can help keep children safe online.